Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Party Waiting to Happen

Salads are interesting. You can do so much to a salad. Just by adding something or taking something away, you can transform it to something completely different. There's a particular type of salad that makes my mouth water. It's what I know as a "Spring Salad" but everyone gives it their own name. You can call it whateva you wanna call it. I call it a party waiting to happen. It's a salad of mixed green leaves, blue cheese, fruits, walnuts and raspberry vinaigrette. With all of the different colors, flavors and textures, it's truly a party in your mouth. You know me, I don't like to party alone so here is my recipe for fun:

Organic Baby Spring Mix (Private Selection or what ever is on sale)
Blue Cheese (Private Selection or whatever is on sale)
Organic Raspberry Lime Vinaigrette Dressing (I've tried a few and my favorite so far is by Litehouse.)
Fruits (Depends on the season. I usually use whatever I have around the Tai-Li Market. You really can use whatever you want. I've tried apples, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and tangerines in different variations but it all worked.)
Avocado Optional (My Mom wants to throw up when she sees avocado, but I put avocado in everything. It's up to you.)
Walnuts Optional (Preferably candied walnuts. I don't really use this because nuts can get pricey, but it gives your salad a different texture and it's really good.)
Salt and Pepper Optional (Usually, I put salt in everything but I don't use it in my salads.)
Chicken Optional (Some people like chicken in their salads. I don't. But if you do, you can get those precooked sliced chicken strips in the sandwich section at the grocery store. Perfect for salads.)
or Salmon Optional (But I do like salmon in my salads. However, I'll only have salmon when I want to make a special salad dinner for myself. Season it with olive oil, lemon and some Johnny's and bake it.)

Now that you've got everything diced, sliced and peeled (except the salmon) put it all into a bowl and toss. After you toss it put the salad into a big bowl or plate. Put your baked salmon somewhere on top. Remember: if it doesn't taste good but looks good it'll taste better. There you have it... a party waiting to happen. Enjoy!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dear Yoga, Running & Ranny Blog, I suck.

Dear Yoga, Running & Ranny blog--Oh, how I've missed thee. It seems as though I've neglected you once I completed my last half-marathon in June. To be honest, I haven't ran regularly since. I've probably ran a total of 10 miles since. And since I'm being honest, I haven't been as active and working out as hard as I've always been. My first excuse is to blame it on the weather and then on my demanding work schedule, but the reality is...is that I've been sluffin'!

Most people get comfortable when they're in a relationship but for me it appears to be the opposite. I've let myself go more than I ever have. And yes, my eating habits could be better... but as a singleite what am I to at dinner with friends and on dates? You don't want me to eat alone at home, do you? Currently, my motivation for going to the gym has been to watch CNN and Dancing with the Stars. I'm back on the elliptical after four years. I know I know, it's not the best workout, but it makes me sweat?

My ass is no longer a Forever 21 small. It's beginning to have a life of its own. Blog, I'm scared! My friends try to convince me that it's a good thing, but Blog, I don't want junk in my trunk. And when they told me that my metabolism slows down at 25, they weren't kidding. I find myself complaining about the size of my ass. I don't want to be that girl. Please, don't let me be that girl. I understand that I will never be a size 3 again, but I don't want to let myself go any further. I want to be obsessed with working out and being active again. Maybe, you can send a cute guy to the gym? Maybe, that'll motivate me? Okay fine, I'll do it your way... I'll quit complaining, stop making excuses and just do it.


P.S. I have a confession to make. I drink beer now. :(  I actually like it. BUUUUUT, I'm cutting down. If not, cutting it out.