Friday, June 25, 2010

Running for My Mom

Tomorrow, I will be running my second half-marathon, the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle. I will be running 13.1 miles. Intersections, roads and highways and will close down so that over 15,000 people can run - run for fun... freely.

This morning I asked my Mom, "Did you ever have to run during the Khmer Rouge?" You know what she said to me, "How?" When my Mom was in Cambodia during the Khmer Rough - the genocide that wiped out millions of civilians, professionals and intellectuals - she couldn't run. If she ran and got caught, it would be the end of her life. If she didn't, it would be the end of her family's life. Running was never an option for her.

Tomorrow, I am going to run - not just for Humanity for Children, a time or for myself - I am going to run for my Mom.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Doing THE Most after the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle

On June 26th, I'll be running 13.1 miles in Seattle. Over in Africa a family is walking over 26.2 miles (the length of a full marathon) to take their sick child to the nearest medical clinic. At the end of my race, I'll be celebrating with family and friends, while the same family in Africa is either relieved that their child made it in time or mourning the loss of a limb - or the death of their child. For me, 13.1 miles is a sport whereas for a kid in Africa, 13.1 miles is a matter of life and death. This year I will be running the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon for the kids who didn't have a say in their circumstances and the families who will walk for days and miles for their child.

Join us as we celebrate and raise money for kids. We will be Doing THE Most!


It's so inspiring to see people living, especially friends that you've known for a long time. This Satuday a dear friend of mine will be running his first half-marathon at the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle. I got reconnected with him and his girlfriend (whom I adore) at the beginning of the year. Since then, they both have been running. He said to me with a light glowing around him, "This is the most I have ever done in my life." THIS is why I love sharing my stories with people. They get inspired and then comes back to inspire me! Everything really does come full circle. I'm so happy!

Good luck to all running the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle this weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

"I workout to eat whatever I want." Are you kidding me?

I must say the most annoying thing that anyone can say to me is, "I work out so I can eat whatever I want." My sister has started working out. She says to me, "I use to work out." Well, sista..."use to" don't matta! If you use to work out three years ago and just started working out again, it's like starting aaaaaaaaaalll over. This is why it's sooooo annoying to me when people say that they work out in order to eat whatever they want. I use to think that it didn't matter what your motivation was to work out but I must say that THAT is the wrong mentality to have.

When someone says that to me, I can predict how they're fitness experience will be and how long it will last. You got'ta shift your mentality and work out for a greater maybe - just maybe - your health? or your vitality? or maybe your well-being? Your fitness is a lifetime commitment. When you say, "I work out so I can eat whatever I want," you're really trying to avoid lifetime commitment to fitness. Cause the moment you eat whatever you want, you'll wonder "Why am I not losing any weight?" Then you'll resent working out and go back to where you started...which was NOWHERE!

When you commit your life to fitness and you make working out a practice, you will want to be careful and conscious about what you put into your body. Those endorphins you release will allow you to like yourself more and you wouldn't want to do anything to harm your body. When it comes down to it, it's just you and your body.